Diana Franklin

Diana Franklin is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. When she received her Ph.D. at UC Davis, 2002, her research focus was computer architecture, especially new technologies. She has done research in intelligent memories, memristors, and quantum computers.

In 2008, she began her transition to computer science education research. She now leads the CANON (Computing for ANyONe) Lab, specializing in both 3rd-8th grade computer science interventions and quantum computing education for novices of any age with a particular focus towards moving towards more equitable learning experiences. She is currently the co-lead of the Q-12 Partnership, a new initiative by the Office of Science and Technology Programs, the National Science Foundation, industry, and professional organizations to bootstrap K-12 quantum information science education. In addition, she serves on the CRA (Computing Research Association) Board and is the author of "A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity for CS Faculty," from Morgan Claypool



Other resources:


Info about quantum games:  https://www.canonlab.org/quander

CANON research lab with classical CS resources: http://canonlab.org

Interested in participating in a quantum activity in a K-12 classroom during World Quantum Day on April 14th? Quantime will have activities posted for middle and high school classrooms with no expectations of teacher background in QIS. https://q12education.org/quantime

Diana Franklin